Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Myths & Facts

There is a lot of false information out there with regards to back pain. About 80% of the population suffers from back pain at some point in their lives, but you don’t have to suffer alone. Knowing what to do when you have back pain is important. A sedentary lifestyle, as well as injuries, arthritic changes and aging can all lead to problems. Here are some common myths and facts about back pain and chiropractors.

Myth: Bed rest is a great treatment for back pain

Fact: At one time, many people believed this to be true. But in fact, bed rest may worsen your back pain unless it is so severe that you cannot move. See a health professional such as a chiropractor about chronic or new back pain.

Myth: Applying heat is recommended for a sore back

Fact: Applying heat may worsen the inflammation of the joint and surrounding muscles and ligaments. Use ice on a sore back instead. The usual recommendation is to ice – use a commercial cold pack, a bag of frozen vegetables, or ice in a dampened towel – for the first three days of acute pain. Limit cold pack treatments to 10 to 15 minutes at a time, and always place a damp towel or cloth between the sore area and the ice.

Myth: Pain is the main indication that something is wrong

Fact: Pain in your back is definitely an indication that something is wrong, especially if the pain is chronic and stops you from doing everyday chores and activities. But you don’t always feel pain in your back when there is a problem. Restricted movement or discomfort in your arms, legs and shoulders are also indications that something’s up with your spine.

Myth: An adjustment  “cracks your back”
Fact: Chiropractors manually adjust your spine to restore function and decrease pain due to abnormal joint function and muscle tightness or spasm. A popping sound sometimes occurs due to air being released when a joint space is opened. Most patients experience immediate relief following an djustment; however, some may expereiecne temporary pain, stiffness or slight swelling.
Myth: You can’t stop going once you start
Fact: Each patient is clinically assessed and provided with a  personalized treatment protocol. Many conditions only require a few treatments. An acute problem such as overdoing it at the gym may respond quickly, while other chronic problems may benefit from a more comprehensive treatment regime. Also, some people find it beneficial to undergo maintenance care in order to feel their best. However, that’s optional and completely patient-directed.
Myth: Chiropractors only work on your back
Fact: Chiropractors are trained to care for all the joints in your body. They can help with injuries to area such as the spine, wrist, shoulders and ankles, as well as conditions such as osteoarthritis, ligament sprains and chronic pain syndrome.
Myth: Chiropractors are not real doctors
Fact: To practice in Canada, chiropractors must complete four years of post-graduate study and 4,200 hours of specialized clinical training. That can be upwards of 8 years of schooling on average for most chiropractors. They are one of a limited number of health professionals entitled to use the designation of “doctor”.
Myth: Neck adjustments can be dangerous
Fact: Adjustment techniques have been researched extensively. Complications are rare and side effects, such as temporary soreness, are usually minor. There are comprehensive clinical practice guidelines that chiropractors refer to when recommending a neck adjustment. Chiropractors are well trained to determine if your problem will respond to chiropractic are or if you require a referral to another healthcare provider.
Myth: You must be referred to a chiropractor by a medical doctor
Fact: Chiropractors are legislated as primary-contact health professionals in every province in Canada. This means that patients can consult them directly. However, chiropractors often work closely with medical doctors, many of whom refer to chiropractors when they believe chiropractic treatment will help alleviate a patient’s condition. Similarly, chiropractors frequently refer to medical doctors when necessary.
So what to do when you have back pain? Have regular spinal check-ups, practice recognized self-care and see a chiropractor.

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