Thursday, 13 July 2017

How-To Guide for Self Care

We’ve all heard the elusive phrase, “take care of yourself” before. It’s the maddening statement that people often direct towards moms, that implies the simplicity is obvious. We know to put our own oxygen masks on before helping others when on the plane. We know that it’s “difficult to pour from an empty glass”. We also know that like many pieces of legitimate advice, it’s so much easier said than done.
As a chiropractor, I work with people daily to try and help give tangible support to reach this goal. Chiropractors are known to encourage people to take care of themselves.  The question is HOW?

Other than getting regular chiropractic care and massage therapy to ensure that your body is in good working condition, here are five key steps to taking care of yourself at home.

1. Get adequate sleep - most people need between 6-9 hours of sleep per night. People try to function on 3-4 hours of sleep, but this inhibits tissue repair and depletes the immune system among other things.

2. Stay active - take a walk instead of a drive to the mail box, or park further away from stores to get a few dozen extra steps in. Build in activities that get you out in the sun for 15-30 minutes minimum per day. Both vitamin D and exercise help to improve your mood.

3. Eat good food/take your vitamins- Nutrients, whether in food, liquid or powder/pill form, are the building blocks for your body. These essential vitamins, minerals and supplements are necessary to support your immune system during times of stress.

4. Eat enough of the right food –It’s important to make sure that your caloric intake is sufficient to support your activity levels. Eating a good breakfast, high in good fats and protein is important to set yourself up for the day. Getting cravings, feeling famished or finding reduced energy levels, are all signs that you are either not getting the right food or the right amount.

5. Take time to smell the roses – Even if the roses are just a scented candle, take a moment. Just a moment. For you. When you are stressed out, your body is in fight or flight mode and this has many negative health side effects. Stress can lead to high blood pressure, headaches, muscles tightness and pain, stomach upset, fatigue, chest pain, sleep problems and much more. Find out what helps you cope with your stress and stay loyal to making sure that you stay a priority. Spending time in nature, relaxed conversation, massage, chiropractic care, meditation and down-time can all help reduce that stress.

Do what you can to resolve the situation, set a timeline or accomplish what can be done today and make a to-do list for what is waiting for tomorrow. And don’t forget to breathe.

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