Spring cleaning is dreaded by most people, but is an unfortunate necessity. Besides being incredibly distasteful, most household chores require a physical effort that leaves people in a great deal of pain. Here are some tips to help prevent the risk of musculoskeletal injuries while cleaning up this spring:
1. Warm up
Most people don’t consider cleaning a
type of workout, but it is. Like every type of physical activity, a warm up is
crucial to prevent injuries. A quick warm up, including stretching and slight
aerobic activity can help.
2. Divide heavy loads
Most people attempt to carry all the
groceries in one trip, or mow all the grass in one morning, or even carry all
the laundry up the stairs, but this “time-saving” instinct can lead to injury.
Divide the chores into smaller, manageable loads in order to minimize the risk
of injury. It may take longer, but think of how long it will take you to do any
of these chores with a sore back.
3. A little becomes a lot
Break down your To-Do list into more
manageable chunks. Most people save the housework for one day of the weekend
and then seem to pay for it all week. Try to do a few things each night in
order to decrease repetitive strain and to make your weekend less dreadful. This
will cut down on weekend fatigue and will also allow you to enjoy the process
without letting it build up.
Excessive bending, lifting, twisting or
reaching can cause injuries. Certain chores are more strenuous in these
activities and can cause pain. Try to keep the curves in your spine will doing
any of these chores and avoid excessive repetitive movement. Particular care
during vacuuming and mopping should be taken since most people hurt their back
doing these activities.
5. Switch hands
Whenever possible, use both your right
and left hand when completing your chairs. This will prevent unwanted strain to
your dominant side of your body and can help avoid repetitive strain injury.
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