Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Time for a New Mattress?

People never ask when they should buy new shoes, a new stereo or even a new car. We can generally tell when something is worn out and in need of replacement. It’s almost a guarantee that when something stops working or functioning in our life, we know that it’s time to get a new one.
However, the same cannot be said for our mattresses. Whether it’s due to the fact that we underestimate the importance of a good mattress on our quality of sleep, or simply because it’s hidden under sheets, the mattress is often forgotten when it comes to sleep hygiene.
A good supportive mattress can help with sleep maintenance, can reduce soreness and pain, and can improve overall health.
Below is a checklist that you can go through to help determine if maybe it’s time to replace your mattress:
1. Do you wake up with stiffness, soreness, aches or pains? Is your neck and back more sore when you get up than when you go to bed?
2. Do you wake up continually throughout the night because you are uncomfortable? Do you feel tired when you wake up in the morning?
3. Do you feel like you sleep better when you stay away from home (in a hotel or a friend’s house)?
4. Are there visible signs of overuse or wear and tear on your mattress? This includes sagging, lumpiness, dents, being visibly worn out, or protruding springs.
5. Is your partner tossing and turning all night and thus keeping you awake? If they are uncomfortable and their moving wakes you up, chances are the mattress isn’t reducing motion transfer.
6. Have you undergone any lifestyle transformations (weight loss or gain, increased or decreased activity, developed back problems, gotten married or gotten pregnant)? Chances are your mattress isn’t supporting you the same way it originally did.
7. Is your mattress greater than 7 years old? If your mattress is getting up in age, simple wear and tear over time will cause the mattress to be worn out and perhaps not as supportive as it originally was.
If any of these items sound like you, then perhaps it is time to replace your mattress and start sleeping better!

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