Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Posture Problems

People have been told to “fix their posture” since they were kids. However, it is rare to hear somebody tell you exactly how to do that. It’s easy enough to sit up straighter for 10 seconds, but how much of a fix is that?

Instead, we should be asking why does it need to be fixed? What exactly is creating that “poor posture” that everybody can identify immediately?

Dr. Janda coined a term in 1979 called Upper Crossed Syndrome, which helped explain the muscular imbalance that was present in people with what is commonly thought of as poor posture.

Upper crossed syndrome is defined as tightness of the trapezius, pectoralis major and levator scapula (see diagram), and a weakness of the rhomboids, serratus anterior, middle and lower trapezius and deep neck flexors. Essentially, there are one group of muscles that are very tight and a corresponding group of muscles that are weakened.

Since these muscles are supposed to be working in harmony, this imbalance creates an elevation of the shoulder blade, forward slumping of the shoulders and a jutting forward of the head.

These muscles are chronically in this state, so after a while your posture becomes “normal” for you. Despite the fact you are in a biomechanically disadvantaged position, it is the postural pattern that you have now created for yourself. As a clear deviation from the ideal, efficient alignment of the joints, this position can eventually lead to joint dysfunction, pain and malposition.

The postural muscles responsible for keeping the body maintained at neutral, needs to be balanced. This proposal for the pathophysiology of poor posture, creates an easily understandable method for correction. It logically makes sense that you would want to stretch the tight muscles and strengthen the weak muscles. Therefore, management of this syndrome is directed towards this goal.

Once the muscles have been appropriately dealt with, the joint dysfunction can also be addressed and full functioning can then be approached.

So the next time somebody tells you to ‘sit up straight’ or ‘fix your posture’, let them know it’s a little more complicated than just straightening up!

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