Thursday, 8 September 2016

Chiropractic and Kids: Toddlers to Teens

As children grow and explore their world, crawling leads to walking. Walking leads to running. Tricycles lead to bicycles. Before we know it, their mobility and curiosity produce a whirlwind of nonstop activity. Along the way they lose their balance. They fall. They slip. They trip. They stumble. They tumble. 
These falls are not only a normal part of childhood, but necessary to make developmental milestones. Unfortunately however, sometimes these stumbles and falls accumulate and can create some serious problems. Beyond the bumps and the bruises, potential spinal and cranial dysfunctions can occur. Chiropractic adjustments can help with that.

Regular chiropractic checkups during this time of rapid growth are essential. A bad fall is usually quite evident but when all the small falls add up, it’s hard to tell if kids are having problems. Toddlers in particular find it difficult to communicate their discomfort or pain, and without them verbalizing their pain, issues can often be overlooked. Chiropractors are trained to detect these spinal and cranial dysfunctions. Treating kids is much different than treating adults. Only very gentle and safe techniques are used and methods vary dependent on size and age of the child.

Another stage of development that is marked with rapid growth and new experiences is puberty. With puberty comes hormonal changes, a new self-consciousness, awkwardness and a lack of coordination. A host of nonspecific aches, pains and muscle spasms often appear. These so-called "growing pains" may be common, but they are not normal. The fact that they seem to resolve on their own is merely a tribute to the adaptive qualities of children’s growing bodies. Uneven leg length, unbalanced hips and other underlying spinal distortions often go unnoticed, and unfortunately untreated. Throughout time, these problems become less adaptable and tend to create more stubborn conditions.

This trend tends to be even more exaggerated in kids that have experienced trauma and with athletes that have undergone some kind of injury. Whether that ranges from a car accident, to a particularly nasty tumble off the bicycle to a bad ankle sprain or even a concussion, the residual effects can be long lasting.  We see the results years later in adults with chronic, expensive and hard-to-correct problems. An assessment and subsequent treatment by a chiropractor can help assure proper growth and development. 
Whether it be from a significant trampoline accident or just regular maintenance to help with the day to day, getting kids of any age in to a chiropractor to be adjusted will help with current issues and prevent future ones from occurring.