Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Safe Fall Cleaning

We all know about spring cleaning. We rush outside to dewinterize our yards and try to rid our houses of that stale air that’s been polluting our lungs for the long months of winter. People don’t often talk about fall cleaning though. That time of year when we start to put away our summer toys and winterize the house. Because as we all know, “winter is coming”.
A few basic steps to follow while completing your cleaning regime can help prevent injuries.
1. Don’t rush because you are in a hurry or tired. If you don’t have enough time, finish it tomorrow. If you’re feeling exhausted, finish it tomorrow. The majority of injuries happen when you are fatigued or taking shortcuts, so don’t become a statistic. Take breaks, do the job in manageable chunks and ask for help if you need it.
2. Use proper lifting and moving techniques. People often hear the phrase “lift with your knees and not with your back”. The idea behind this is to keep your back as straight as possible and do the majority of the lifting with your legs. This will take the strain out of your back and prevent any injuries due to poor technique. Also, wear shoes (even in the house) when you are doing any lifting to assist with stability and prevent dropping anything on your bare feet.
3. Be safe on ladders and step stools. The minute you add height to any situation, you increase the potential for injury. Do not lean to either side. If you have to, get off the ladder and move it instead of leaning far to the side. Also, if you are climbing high up the ladder, make sure you have someone steadying the ladder to prevent a slip and fall.
4. Be wary of wet surfaces. This one is pretty simple, water on the floor means it’s easier to slip and fall. Make sure you slow down and be sure that others are aware of the potential danger.
5. Declutter the floor and keep walkways free of boxes or garbage.  Also, carry less and take more trips, especially on the stairs to prevent injury or potential tripping hazards.
6.  Follow safety instructions and recommendations on all cleaning products and wear a mask when you are working with chemicals. Also, keep your area ventilated with fresh air to reduce the amount of toxins or fumes that you and your family inhale. Also, keep all cleaning products out of reach of both children and pets to ensure accidental ingestion doesn’t occur.
Following these simple tips can help make your fall cleaning schedule both safe, effective and injury free.